Quote of the day

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Karli in Target!!

So last night my mom, Karli, and I were at Target and Karli found a toy that she entertained us with throughout the entire store!

What is that toy you may ask?

A cheap little plastic microphone!

Yes she thought is was the greatest thing since slice bread and entertained not only us but everyone else in the store!!

So because I'm a blogger I had to get pictures of her and her microphone in action! I love this picture! It makes me giggle every time I see it!

And lastly Karli singing to our mom!

Karli is so crazy and is so much fun when she is being random in a store!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tarin's Bachelorette Party!

On last Friday night and going Saturday morning I threw my best friend Tarin a Bachelorette party!!

It was a lot of fun and Tarin got a lot of fun things to "wear" for her new man!

Here is some of the decorations I put up in front of the house. Of course this was taken the next morning

These are the Thank You/goodie bags that I made for the guests!

This is the little note that was on the bags.

These are the cupcakes that I made for the party!

Before we went out on the town we had Tarin open her gifts! Just a warning that I went a little bit on the crazy side with getting her lingerie!

This is her "Suck it" sucker that her sisters got her!

Another gift from her sisters, the Sex game!

Now on to the lingerie!! Tarin and her white honeymoon lingerie!

Ruffles and lace panties!

And the garder to complete the outfit!

Silky and purple!

Black and velvet

Gotta love the red and black!

Pink and black corset!

One of Tarin's crusie outfits complete with matching boa!

Pretty light blue nighty!

Something for some Jane and Tarzan role playing! Hehehehe!

Pink with dots!

White silk and lace with a black bow!

More animal prints! Grrrrr!

Blue and black see through lace!

A little something black!

A little pink sexy Christmas skirt!

Ready for Christmas!

Tarin loves her polka dots! Black and pink ones are the cutest!

A little some with polka dots!

An outfit for the kitchen!

Some pink and see through lace!

White with sparkles!

Gotta love the lingerie with a little flair to it!

After we opened all of the gifts we went out to Applebees! Were we got Tarin drunk of the sugar in the virgin drinks she got!

Tarin at Applebees! Don't worry it's a virgin drink!

Jessica and Katie(Tarin's sisters!)

Tarin and her sisters!

Tarin and Frankie!

And lastly Tarin and me!!

After Applebees we stopped by Tarin's sister Jessica's house and then we went back to my house where we watched movies and talked for a while. Tarin was the last one there, leaving at 7:30 Saturday morning! It was a really, really fun night!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Llama's new ride

So about two weeks ago we suffered a death in our car family. Kristopher's beloved puma wheezed it's last wheeze.

Kristopher's puma all sad and dead like!

So because of this Llama had to get a new ride! So here she is! The Tomato! A little red Chevy Cobalt! Yep true to Larson standards it is a Chevy! It is very cute and Llama really likes it! I personally would like it better though if it stopped parking in my parking spot! But I'm happy that Llama has a slick new ride!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Konner and my birthday dinner!

On the 17th we went out as a family to celebrate Konner and my birthday!

We went to Texas Roadhouse which was really fun and very tasty!

Here is Konner and I in front of Texas Roadhouse after dinner!

The whole family!

So for those of you who have never been to Texas Roadhouse on your birthday they do something very special. They have you sit on a saddle that is on a wooden saw horse and they annouce to the whole place that it's your birthday and everyone needs to give a big Heehaw!

So I had to sit on this thing as my parents took pictures!

Here is Konner and his turn on the birthday saddle!

It was a lot of fun and I love that I have a birthday so close to Konner's so that we can share awesome times like this!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthday dinner with Karli!

On February 16th after we got home from the Ren Faire Karli and I went out to dinner! The reason only her and I went was because my parents had a late and big lunch, Llama wasn't hungry, and Konner didn't want to go with us!

We went to On the Boarder since we had a gift card!

Here is Karli being goofy as we are waiting for our food!

Karli told them it was my birthday so I got free dessert and they came and sang to me. Sad thing was they came and sang to me while Karli was in the bathroom so she didn't get to see it or take pictures for me while they were singing!

Me and my lovely and free brownie with vanilla ice cream, chocolate, and caramel sauce! Mmmmmmmm yummy!

It was really fun and a great way to end my birthday!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Renaissance Festival 2009!

Here is this year's post about our yearly Renaissance Festival trip!

This year we went on my birthday since it fell on a day that the fair was open!

Here is one of all of us all dressed up! Aren't we cute!

Konner as a monkey!

Aunt Alonna and the Llama Face!

Here is me and my friend Stephanie who works at the festival. I go and find her every year and get a picture with her!

For the first time this year we went and saw the show Nunnie Nunnie. They were so funny!

All of their jokes we simple, cute, and funny takes on religious aspects!

My Grandma Larson in the green laughing at the show!

Konner shooting darts!

Trying to pop the balloons!

Llama complete with kilt and Karli!

Sexy Llama Face!

And of course the trip wouldn't be complete unless Llama got a picture with a llama!

Also this year was a first for my aunt and Grandma was the Dextre Tripp show! He is a stunt man that is really funny and does some pretty awesome things!

Here he is sitting on a chair while balancing it on a tight rope!

More of him on the chair

Yet another chair one!

Here he is getting ready to ride the unicycle across the rope. Sadly it got to windy and he decided it was better not to do it instead of falling off the rope!

Getting ready to walk across the rope!

While he was in the middle of the rope he took this hoop and put his whole body through it!

Hanging out on the rope!

More walking on the rope!

Juggling flaming torches while standing on top of an audience member!

Standing on the audience member!

Juggling a knife, running chain saw, and an apple!

More juggling!

Balancing a running chain saw on his chin!

With another member of the audience he balanced one chair on another and then with the lady sitting on the one chair did and handstand on the top of the chair!

Look at the lady holding on for dear life!

Alonna and me!

The backs of Alonna and my braided heads!

Close up of Lou's braid!

A close up of my braid!

The boys and the big moving tree!

A better picture of the tree with the boys!

Once again it was fun as always and I can't wait for next year!!