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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cancer Sucks!

I'm sure most of you know that October is breast cancer awareness month.

Since I feel that we should be aware of all cancers all through each and every month I don't post a lot about it.

I have two amazing aunts that have fought and won the breast cancer war and know many others who have fought both with winning and losing outcomes and each story touches mine heart just like every cancer story.

But I stumbled upon this on another blog and probably because of pregnancy hormones I cried like a baby and I knew that I needed to share it!

To be honest cancer scares me more than I can even describe!

It's something that every time I even get simple labs is in the back of my mind until I get the results back.

To be even more honest it's not completely the fight that scares me but it's honestly losing my hair. Yes the beauty of hair is that it grows back but I love my hair. It's one of my most favorite parts of myself but even with that fear if I ever got a diagnosis of cancer I would do this same exact thing!

Unscripted, raw, candid, and full of the emotions you know she is feeling at the time.

I find it completely beautiful!

I don't know who this women is but I applaud her for this video and hope she wins her battle!

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