Quote of the day

Today's Quote
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
Wilson Mizner
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 7, 2015

One Year Ago!

A year ago today I woke up for the third day in a row of just feeling off.

I wasn't sick, I just felt off and I couldn't figure out why.

I kept this feeling to myself and went about my day with this feeling and me trying to figure it out in the back of my mind.

Then as I was folding Rondalynn's clean clothes I picked up a unisex onesie that is one of my favorites. I turned to Ron and said I love this onesie and we can use it for all of our babies because it goes for both sexes!

As soon as the words came out of my mouth I got the answer to my feeling!

I knew exactly why I was feeling this way and even though I was trying to deny it in my head I knew deep down 100% what it was!

Later that afternoon Ron, Squeaky, and I went to Wal-Mart. As we pulled out of the drive way and down the drive I took a deep breath and told Ron we needed to get a special test while we were there.

He looked over at me so fast he broke the speed of sound and asked me if I was joking.

I told him that I wasn't but I just felt off and I think and was pretty sure this was why.

As soon as we got back from Wal-Mart I grabbed this special test and hurried to the bathroom.

A couple minutes later I called Ron in and this is we saw!

Did I scare you again with the test picture?

We both looked at it in disbelief and shock!

But this was the result that let us know Baby Truex #2 was already cooking away!

A couple weeks later when I was eight weeks along we got to meet our handsome Tyberious Jean-Luc via ultrasound!

His heartbeat was strong, fast, and perfect and he wouldn't hold still for anything, something that continued until and since his been born!

Just like with his sister I was in love from the first ultrasound and every movement, ultrasound, and painful karate moves made that love grow!

Then after a scary and rough nine months he came into the world with a strong and loud, echoing cry through the OR and I was even more in love with him and it's only grown by the minute since then!

So much has changed from our first meeting at my eight week ultrasound and he is growing into a cute and sweet little flirt that just like his sister melts my heart!

I love you Ty Bear forever and always!

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