Finally the news that I have wanted to share with my blogging viewers for many years now!
As I have posted before and as most of you know I had another infection in my left hip. The doctor was very worried and was afraid he would have to do a surgery to clean out the area and then send me home with twelve weeks of the strongest antibiotics out there right now. This would also mean may lab draws, doctor visits, pain and nausea meds, and me only being allowed to work on the desk at work and not on the floor which I love!
On Monday this week I waited ever so not patiently and finally after 4pm my doctor called and said the results are in!!
My infection levels are much lower and besides for me being anemic, (like always) all my other levels are the lowest he has seen them in the six years as his patient!!
I will have to be on these oral meds for a month and see the doctor next week and then in July for a follow up but I'm hoping, but not holding my breath, that this hip roller coaster is finally coming to a stop so I can get off it at last!
I just want to thank everyone who has been there to support me through these fiveish years of crazy hip stuff! I am truly beyond blessed to have such amazing people in my life and for everything you all have done for me!