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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Konner's book float!

On Friday was Konner's Book Float parade! At the elementary that he goes to, (which is the same one all of us have gone to!) they have a book float parade. This is where kids make floats to go on small things such as wagons that are about a favorite book of theirs. This year Konner choose to do a float on A Diary of a Wimpy Kid and for the first time he did the whole things without any help from any of us!

One side and the back of the float

The other side of the float

The big sign that Konner made that is in the middle of the float

And Konner with the float. He isn't smiling because we took this right as he was getting ready to walk out the door for school and he didn't want to be late. Also this was the first year that I wasn't able to go down to the school and get pictures of him in the parade since I am still down for my surgery. But I did get to see his float before he left so that is good and I'm so proud that he did the whole thing by his self!

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