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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Twilight DVD

On Saturday March 21, 2009 at 12:01 AM this movie came out!!

Yay!! Twilight!!

Even though I was dead tired from the day and Tarin and Nathan's open house I still had to go out and get it! Konner went with me and we headed off to Wal-Mart to get it. It was crazy in there with half of Mesa in line to get the movie at the Twilight release party Wal-Mart was having. Konner and I went a different way and went to the back in the electronics to see if maybe they had some back there. As soon as we got back there sly as a person making an illegal deal the lady working back there comes up and said "Are you looking for Twilight? Come over here we got some and you don't want to be over there in that mess." The mess being the release party. So I was able to get my Twilight, check out in electronics, and leave Wal-Mart by 12:10AM!! Oh yeah that's right I got skill!!!

Now here is something you all have been waiting for!! How many times did Kassi go and see Twilight in the theater with different friends and family????

The answer is................................................


Yes that is right I saw the movie 12 times with is pretty close to being a full day of Twilight!

After we left Wal-Mart Konner and I went and got something to eat at Denny's

Here we are with our yummy food and awesome movie at about one in the morning! You know you must be loved if you sister who is over double your age will keep you out extremely past your bedtime!

It was a lot of fun and of course the movie was completely worth it!

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