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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Monopoly

I totally forgot that my mom took pictures of us playing our Christmas Eve Monopoly game that we play every year on Christmas eve. So I stole them from her and decided to post about it!

So like I said every Christmas Eve us four kids sit down at the table and play a crazy game of Monopoly! We normally start around 7ish and play until 10ish or so. Well this Christmas Eve I was at work so we didn't get the game started until 8:30ish and we ended up playing until well after 11pm!

We all really look forward to this little tradition that we started a few years back and each year will all vow to kick each other's butts in property dominance!

Well this year we all started out playing on our own and then, because I think Kristopher was kicking everyone butt we decided to pair up boys against girls.

Look at us all playing and plotting against the other team!

It was a tough game and a lot of good plays and deals were made.

Here is Karli and I getting ready to make the big deal with the boys that would give us two railroads, five monopolies, and money to put at least one house on all of those monopolies if we wanted to do that. In return we would give them the water company, which would give them both the water and eletric company, and the lands to own the other three monopolies on the board.

The boys thought long and hard about it. We even let them think and talk about our deal over two turns. Finally they said that they would go for it since they to had money to put houses on them.

But in the end the boys used to much money putting houses and hotels on their lands that they were low on cash when they landed on a green space that had three houses. That was the iceberg that sunk their ship! In the end Karli and I were the winners with over seven thousand dollars in $500 dollar bills alone!

It was a very good and fun game and after this year I'm sure next year the game will be fierce!!

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