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Monday, February 4, 2008

Jamba Juice!!

You know I love the Jambe Juice!! I got one this morning on my way to work and it is so yummy! I Mego Mango with no strawberries but with pineapple sobret instead. Yeah it's pretty amazing! I know a pretty stupid thing to start a post out with but all well I'm here at work and bored right now.

It is an extra day and I am up on a different peds unit helping out. I have decided that I'm going to see if they have a spot open in the peds resource team for a my job. If they do I totally want to do it. Then I will go all over the Children's Hospital and be able to work any day I want, get a raise, and only have to work I think one major holiday a year and two minor or something like that! I really hope that they have one because that would be awesome and I will still get to work with the people that I love to work with! If they don't have one open now I will just have to keep my eyes open for one!

It's raining outside today! Yay!! I love the rain! I wish I wasn't at work today so I could just at home and watch the rain and all.

You know what I need some Trix but I think work is out of them! Sad = ( I haven't had any for like five days so that is no good! Oh man I just remembered that I left my Oh's cereal at home!Sadness again = (

Okay I guess I should go back to work even though right now their is nothing to do right now!

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