I know I haven't been the best blogger and I hardly posted last month but I'm determined to get caught up and stay caught up this month!
But I before I start up on that catching up game I wanted to start the month out with this post!
We are in the final countdown for the big gender reveal of The Little Bean!!!!
We aren't telling anyone the day of our ultrasound, just like we did with Rondalynn, that will reveal this big and exciting news for three main reasons!
1. We don't want to be getting ten million texts, calls, e-mails, drop by visits, spies, etc, etc, etc the day of the ultrasound.
2. Even though we are having the ultrasound that will be able to tell us the sex while looking and checking on how baby is growing every where else doesn't mean that the baby wants us to know if we should plan for bow ties or pearls. This way if The Little Bean is feeling stubborn that day no one besides Ron and I will have to wait what I'm sure is an eternity for another ultrasound to find out.
3. Lastly we want Rondalynn to be the one to announce if she will be getting a baby brother or sister so we need a little time to get that all put together and ready to share with all of you!
But we do promise you this that no matter what by the end of the month we will know if we are playing for Team Blue or Team Pink!
In the meantime.............................
We want to know!
So go to this link that will lead you to our baby blog and vote on our gender poll located on the side bar!
You can only vote once per device but if you change your mind after voting and it's before we close the poll you are able to go and change it up!
You only have 30 days left at the most to get those votes in so hurry up and cast them!