Quote of the day

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Easter!

While you are enjoying the fun and games of egg hunts, candy highs, family and friend laughter, and food comas please remember........

The true reason for this season and the sacrifice made for all of us by Our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ!

Lastly I saw this and loved it and thought you all would as well!

Come back and check often to see what fun things we did on this Easter day!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Puppet Dead

Sorry but I saw this and had to share as a random post!

And it's even more fitting since tomorrow is the season three final is tomorrow night!

Makes you look at Fozzy in a whole new light!

Friday, March 29, 2013

And a Pinch of Sugar!

Okay I take full blame on this habit that my dog has picked up!

I love berries!

All berries!

But my absolute favorite berry is the blackberry!

They are plump, juice, can be tart, can be sweet, and of course who could hate a berry that is either a dark purple or black! It's like this berry was made just for me! Or at least I think it was!

The one and only slight drawback to my heavenly berry is some can be beyond super tart and I'm not a big fan of that. To help counteract this blackberry trait I put a teaspoon or two in the bowl with them and shake them a bit so the tart ones can be both tart and sweet.

Well one day I made the mistake of tossing a sugar coated blackberries to Socrates who pretty much thought they were the greatest thing on earth and quickly become hooked to them. But if they are not coated with sugar he won't eat them! I know just what my hyperactive dog needs, more sugar!

He must have a blackberry sense like Spiderman has a spidey sense when we have them because he will come inside and sit by the fridge or paw the fridge in hopes I will rush over, obey his wishes, and make him a nice sugary bowl of blackberries!

He has gotten so addicted that he has learn, very quickly if I may add, the word blackberry. So Ron and I have to call them "Sugarberries"

So one day Socrates was inside and I decided to make a bowl of blackberries. Now the day before, while baking, I had just opened a new five pound bag of sugar to go into our sugar container but since the container doesn't hold all five pounds the back still have about a pound left in it.

Not wanting it to get spilled, go bad, or anything like that I was using the sugar left in the bag first and instead of using a spoon and closed most of the opening of the bag so I could just pour a little into the bowl. All the while Socrates was sitting there looking at me as I did this and wagging his tail in excitement.

Apparently he either didn't like how long it was taking or thought I wasn't using enough sugar because quicker then anything he stood, put his nose under my elbow, and with a good size love tap made this happen!

Yes that would be some blackberries with my bowl of sugar!

I honestly couldn't help but laugh a bit and moved the berries to a plate so I could put the sugar in a container with a lid to use for next time.

In case you are wondering that is 2 and 1/2 cups of sugar!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

3/14 The Day of Pie!

It's no secret that I love pie.......I love pie a lot!

So for pie day you know I had to jump on that wagon to celebrate!

This is how we celebrated!

 Supreme pie,

pepperoni pie,

and caramel apple pie!

Yep this is going to be a year affair from now one!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Surprise for Grandma Echo

While Echo was in Texas for her sister's funeral and her nephew's wedding Ron and I watched Alex and Kalia one Saturday and we made a fun surprise for her to come home too!

I got in my scrapbook supplies and found extra papers and stickers for them to color and make pictures with!

Alex's artwork!

Kalia's artwork!

The sign I made and all the other art supplies!

Getting the streamers ready so............

Ron could stand on the bed and put them on the ceiling!

Alex and Kalia putting hearts all over Grandma Echo's bed!

They had a lot of fun doing this!

The kids had a blast and when Echo came home she loved it!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Never Fails!

I'm truly starting to believe that Socrates is just like a car.

In the fact that if you have mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom, and/or gave him a bath......

It will rain and this will happen!

This picture doesn't do him justice because you could hardly see any of his white fur!

Monday, March 25, 2013

So Llama!

Does anyone else see......

my brother, Llama, doing this or is it just me?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy First Birthday Zeke!

One year ago today my cousins Claudia and Josh welcomed this ball of yumminess!

I was so afraid that she was going to have him while Ron and I were in London for the Titanic Premier and I wouldn't know until we got back but Zeke made his grand entrance the day before!

Happy First Birthday Zeke!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's Scary!!

I know you all know of my 60 pound, fuzzy, husky baby; Socrates.

He handles everything in life like a boss except................

when it's thundering outside!

My poor sleeping baby!

When a thunder storm happens he truly reverts to a baby and his cute little scared self follows you around everywhere, and sleeps on the floor as close as he can to you!

Friday, March 22, 2013

First Anniversary Celebrations!

Yes my goal to have this post done with in the month of it happening is realized!! Yay!

Since Ron and I were married on Leap Day our true first anniversary isn't until 2016 but we still will celebrate each year with something small until the years of our true anniversary!

All the things to go into Ron's anniversary gift! Candy, Pomergrate BBQ sauce, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Kabob grilling set, and of course a card!

All the candy had to go in the back to hold up the grilling kabob set

The gift basket all done!

That night we went out to dinner at Carrabba's to celebrate since I had my birthday coupon to use there!

 Calamari to start out with that came with this really good Ricardo sauce!

Ron's tasty pizza!

My usual and most favorite thing there veal Marsala!

Us at dinner!

After dinner we went and got Gelato and then went home to partake of the tradition of eating the top layer of your wedding cake on your first anniversary!

It feel a bit on one but the pink was still super bright!

And the cake was still really good!

And just like our reception when the cake was cut this happened.................

Can you see how I'm trying to think of the best way to get Ron?

Hahaha! Awesome!

Isis watched this all go down and didn't like it at all! She hid under the kitchen, arched her back, and hissed! But when the craziness calmed down she hurried, investigated, and then started eating cake off the floor!

When we had killed the cake Ron looked down at his shirt and said, "You got my shirt all messy, then looked at me and said wait you're in my shirt too! You got two of my shirts messy!" Hahaha! That wasn't my plan but it was still awesome!

Our "1/4 Anniversary" was low key, simple, fun, and wonderful! I'm so glad that I get to celebrate these events and many other amazing things and events with my true soul mate and eternal companion! And being with him makes me feel that eternity isn't long enough!